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The Uncommon Chi Healer Building Electromagmatic Bio-Energy

The Uncommon Chi Healer Building Electromagnetic Bio-Energy Allow me to introduce in brief Sifu Jones’ Chi Energy Method. Sifu Jones makes the superhard understandable and; developed a curriculum such that…

Becoming the Chi Healer

Becoming a Chi Healer Advanced Healing Abilities and Techniques There is a place of learning that teaches how to Buildup Healing Bio-energy in Circuitry Form to very high levels and…

Sound Healing with Circular Formed Chi

Formed Chi Energy and the Circular Tone of Voice We’ve covered at great lengths in previous articles the mechanical energy developed by soundwaves and how, through mindful engagement, they can…

Why Biophotons Matter

Why Biophotons Matter Shedding Light on Mind and Matter “Mind over matter” is a proverb that speaks to us on multiple levels. On the surface, it points to diligence and…

A Holographic Touch of Chi Energy

Chi Energy Students buildup biophotons that are type of light that can be molded into a form of energy that you can “tangibly feel”. This is similar in science as…

The Magic Mirror of Self Talk with Chi Energy

Magic Mirror of Self Talk with Chi Energy Made famous by “Snow White”, the concept of a magical mirror has been a staple in the cultures of mankind since the…

The Mystery of Chi Energy has been Solved

The Mystery of Chi Energy has been Solved For years Chi Energy has had this mysterious unknown factor surrounding it. The Chinese people call it a life force energy that…

Is Radical Change the Answer with Chi Energy?

The Pushing and Pulling of Qi Energy. Is Radical Change in the Cultivation of Chi the Answer? Mastering the Flow of Qi Energy: Is Radical Change the Key to Unlocking…

Energy Healing and Natural Killer Cells

Energy Healing and Natural Killer Cells At The School of Chi Energy Training we take a holistic approach to the services and products we provide for our students and clientele…

Nerve Fiber Building – the Key to Strong Chi

Nerve Fiber Building – the Key to Health, Healing and Advanced Abilities The School of Chi Energy online training instructs students how to build up or cultivate Qi Energy to…